The Simple Classroom Podcast

TSC Ep 027 - The December Teaching Game Plan (Part 1)

Stephanie Sutherland Season 2 Episode 27

I want you to picture this:
It's Christmas morning. You're watching your family open presents. You are sipping hot coffee and eating snacks. You are fully rested and refreshed because you haven't touched school work since the last day of school.

And you know you won't be touching it until your first day back in the new year.

How? Because you had a game plan for December that kept you on top of your December tasks, while ALSO allowing you to get ready for January.

So, nothing fell through the cracks. Parent gifts got made. Parties were thrown. Staff gifts were passed around. Cookie exchanges and Secret Santa happened. You finished report cards. You brought a dish to the staff luncheon. And you also managed to get your copies and plans for the first week(s) after break DONE.

It's possible...but it takes a plan.

Let's make one together!

Show Notes:

  • Join the December Teaching Game Plan Waitlist and be the first to get access to the videos of me planning/prepping/and (not) panicking as I tackle December tasks while also getting reading for the new year. 
    • Videos will be released on Black Friday!
    • Joining the waitlist will get you the FREE calendars that are mentioned in the episode!