The Simple Classroom Podcast
A podcast devoted to discussing simple solutions to all of our teacher problems! Each week, Stephanie Sutherland, an educator and teacher-author for a combined 12 years, discusses prompts centered around her own classroom experiences, or the difficult experiences of others, and shares her thoughts and feelings. The door is open for you to join the discussion on social media to share your own thoughts and feelings alongside other educators!
The Simple Classroom Podcast
TSC Ep 23 - Ending Sunday Scaries for Good
Stephanie Sutherland
Season 2
Episode 23
Sunday Scaries are the worst. It can feel like an entire day of your weekend was robbed from you. That creeping sense of dread will start earlier in the day on Sunday, and will only get stronger as the day goes on. By night time, you can feel physically ill over the week ahead and all of the tasks you know you will have to do, plus the unpredictable things you can’t see coming.
It doesn’t always have to be like this.
Today, I'm sharing my top tips for ending Sunday Scaries for good!
Show Notes: